Eye Exams in Whitby – OPEN NOW
Whitby Vision Care is now open as of June 3rd for comprehensive eye exams, ocular health exams, contact lens assessments, police vision tests, RCMP vision assessments, and glasses and eyewear shopping!
We will continue to provide tele-optometry for those unable to come to the clinic.
Our office will look a little different, as we are taking extra precautions for everyone’s health and safety. Here is what you can expect when you come in:
- We will ask screening questions before you come in, and on arrival
- We will take your temperature with a non-contact thermometer before entering the office
- We have installed plexiglass shields at the front desk, as well as extra shields on examining equipment, imaging machines, and glasses measurement tools.
- Our protocol for routine sanitation after each visit has been increased.
- All frames will be sanitized after contact before being returned to the display.
- All of our team members will be wearing a mask and face shield.
- We have significantly reduced the number of patients permitted in the office at a time, to allow for physical distancing
We have a few things to ask from you to help us maintain the health and safety of the community.
- Please wear a face mask at all times in the office. If you do not bring one, they will be available for purchase
- Come alone to your appointment, unless assistance is required
- Sanitize your hands before entering the office
- Call us for an appointment before presenting to the office (even for picking up glasses or adjustments). Entrance to the office is by appointment only
If you have any of the following:
- Fever
- New cough
- Worsening chronic cough
- Shortness of breath
- Difficulty breathing
- Pink eye
- Sore throat
- Decreased sense of smell or taste
- Chills
- Unexplained fatigue
- Diarrhea, or abdominal pain
- Runny nose without known cause
- Any close contact with someone that has been outside of Ontario in the last 14 days
- Any close contact with someone with acute respiratory illness
- Confirmed COViD-19
- Any close contact with anyone who has COViD-19
We can discuss the option of a tele-optometry assessment.
Things look a little different, but we are happy to still be able to provide you with the service you trust from us! We have new temporary office hours, so please Call us for an appointment!