Contact Lenses Are Like Underwear

  • Post category:health

This is a great message from the Center of Disease Control and Prevention.

Most people wouldn’t put on dirty underwear, but they don’t think twice about putting in dirty contact lenses! Just because they look clear, the solution is clear, and the case looks clean, doesn’t mean everything is OK. There can be many invisible deposits or microorganisms which cause irritation and nasty eye infections. DON’T over-wear your lenses!

CLs are like underwear


Don’t over-wear. Avoid that sketchy pair. Carry a spare.

1. Don’t Over-Wear

  • Replace your contacts as often as your eye doctor tells you, and don’t sleep in them (unless your eye doctor says otherwise).

2. Avoid That Sketchy Pair

  • If a contact comes out and you can’t disinfect it with fresh solution (never water or spit) right away, throw it out. Don’t buy contacts from costume shops or anywhere that doesn’t require a prescription.

3. Carry a Spare Pair (of Glasses)

  • If you need to take out your contacts for an unexpected late night or trip to the pool, or if a contact somes out, have a pair of glasses as a backup.
  • Clean your case with solution daily, and get a new case at least every three months.
  • Take out contacts before showering, swimming, or hot tubbing.

Cover your butt. Take care of your eyes.