How Vision Affects Learning

Does this sound like someone you know?
“When my son was in second grade, it became clear that he was struggling to read. Despite the fact that he was curious, loved to learn and seemed truly interested in reading, he appeared to be in need of special education. So he ended up in a special reading room. Unfortunately, after several months, his reading skills did not improve.” …
“Perhaps he had a learning-related vision problem? He did! After four months of vision therapy, my son was able to drop the special reading help, join his peers in the main classroom and move forward with his studies.”

We see this all too often. Kids just get a label at school, but nothing to actually treat the conditions that are causing the problem.

Read more in this article from a special education resource teacher in Minnesota, on how most school screenings only check distance sight (with the letter chart). Even if a kid has 20/20 distance acuity, doesn’t mean he/she has all the vision skills which are needed to read.

Link to Article: When Vision Affects Learning

Find out whether it’s just a vision problem getting in the way, because those can be treated! Call (905) 666-4848 for more information about booking a Visual Skills Assessment

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Why Is My Eye Twitching?

Eye twitching is very common, and I’ve been hearing from a lot of you… It drives you crazy! But don’t worry, you’re not going blind 🙂

Most eye twitches come and go, but sometimes a twitching eye can last for weeks or even months. Here are some of the common causes and how to stop it

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Glaucoma Awareness Month

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness in Canada. It is a group of eye diseases which lead to progressive degeneration of the optic nerve, which causes irreversible vision loss and potential blindness. There is no cure for glaucoma, but it can be controlled. Early detection is the key to preventing or slowing down vision loss. Make sure you are having annual comprehensive eye exams to check for changes in your eye health, because it can happen even if you think you “see fine” and you don’t need glasses! #GlaucomaAwarenessMonth
Call (905) 666-4848 to book an appointment

Learn more here:

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When You Have Problems Seeing Small Print…

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Unfortunately, this happens to everyone! Even the Fresh Prince is not immune 🤣
If you’re starting to hold things farther away or increasing the font size on your phone, it’s time to come in for an eye appointment! Call (905)666-4848 to book 👍😁


Damn… I just had to get Reading Glasses! This is NOT the look of an Action Hero!

A post shared by Will Smith (@willsmith) on

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