Beware of Online Eye Exams

Beware of online “eye exams.” This TV station put one to the test, and unsurprisingly, it failed.
Online sight tests are NOT a replacement for a comprehensive eye health examination! Even on their website, it says, “Because our services are not a replacement for an eye health examination, we encourage everyone to obtain a comprehensive eye health exam at least once every 2 years.”
So you pay an extra $40 for just your glasses prescription, which you would get included as part of your regular eye examination, which you need to have done anyways. Also, you have to wait a day for them to email your prescription… which they might not be able to provide you with after all (see video)! At least they refunded her money. Furthermore, contact lenses are a medical device, and cannot be properly prescribed without assessing how they look ON your eyes and whether they are moving correctly.

This doesn’t save you time or money, because you end up paying extra money for a service that is included in an eye exam, and you have to wait a day to get your results…. Sounds like a terrible deal!

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Early detection and treatment of glaucoma

Glaucoma is the second most common cause of blindness worldwide and as many as 4.5 million people are blind because of it. This number will rise to 11.2 million by 2020.

“It’s one of those things that is very advanced by the time people have symptoms. That’s why it’s really important to have an eye exam with a doctor of optometry to ensure it’s being monitored or that it’s caught early and treated so you don’t have vision loss.” – Dr. Maggie Gibb

Click here to read more

Damage from glaucoma starts gradually and subtly, so that by the time you notice any changes in your vision, it is already advanced. The damage is mostly irreversible once it has occurred, so it’s important to detect it early and start treatment early to slow down progression.

If you are…
– over the age of 40
– have a family member with glaucoma
– are of African, Hispanic, or Asian heritage
– have high eye pressure
– have had an eye injury
– have corneas that are thin; or
– have diabetes, migraines, high blood pressure, poor circulation, or other health problems affecting the whole body
…then you are more at risk of developing glaucoma. Come in for a comprehensive eye exam, and talk to Dr. Lee about your risk of getting glaucoma. She will let you know how often you need to come in for follow up exams.

Early detection and treatment can protect your vision. If you haven’t had an complete eye exam in the last 1-2 years, you need to schedule a complete eye disease assessment, even if you don’t need glasses or have any symptoms.

Call (905) 666-4848 to schedule an eye appointment today!


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Beware Buying Online Glasses

If you have thought about purchasing your next pair of prescription eyeglasses online, there are a few things you need to know. It’s a custom-made product and very different from ordering any other item online.
Would you order a custom suit or dress with just your height measurement or with only your waist size? Your prescription is only one piece of information that will determine how well you see with your new eyewear. An optometrist is trained in the proper fitting, measuring, manufacturing, and dispensing of eyewear. Click below to see more of what goes into making a pair of glasses
Common complaints regarding improperly ordered or fit eyewear can include headaches, fatigue, an “eye pulling” sensation, nausea, and pain or pressure marks on your nose or around your ears.
A recent study conducted by the American Optometric Association (AOA), the Optical Laboratories
Association and The Vision Council, discovered an alarming rate of nearly half the eyeglasses ordered from online vendors (44.8%) had incorrect prescriptions or safety issues (eg. failing to meet impact resistance standards).

Don’t be a Fool in April (or any other month!)…. BUYER BEWARE!

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Eye Exams For Kids

I have seen many kids who need glasses but the parents had no idea. They don’t tell you, because they don’t know what things are supposed to look like! That’s why it’s important to have a comprehensive eye exam because an optometrist can measure how light focuses in their eyes, even if they can’t read the letters.
All kids under the age of 20 are covered for one yearly exam under OHIP. Through the Eye See Eye Learn program, children in JK can receive a complimentary pair of glasses donated by Nikon and OGI.
Get your child’s eye tested and make sure they are well equipped for learning

Call (905) 666-4848 to book an appointment today!

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How Diabetes Can Affect Your Eyes

An estimated 3.4 million Canadians are living with diabetes, and the number has doubled in the last 12 years. Diabetes causes increasing and fluctuating levels of sugar in your blood, which causes damages to your organs. People with diabetes are 3x more likely to be hospitalized with heart disease, and 12x more likely to be hospitalized with kidney disease, and they account for 70% of non-traumatic lower limb amputations. Diabetes can also affect your eyes, and potentially cause serious vision loss.

Diabetic Retinopathy  is the leading cause of blindness in Canadians under the age of 65. It occurs when there is weakening or swelling of the tiny blood vessels in the eye, resulting in fluid leakage and bleeding. If left untreated, it can lead to blindness.
Here’s a photo of a healthy retina (left) and a retina with diabetic retinopathy (right)
diabetic retinopathy

Did you know diabetes can be first detected through an eye exam? There may be no symptoms in the early stages, so a person like this might still be able to see 20/20  on the eye chart and not notice any visual changes. If you wait until your vision becomes blurry, the retinopathy may have already worsened, and once damage has occurred, the effects can be permanent. That’s why early detection and treatment is critical, so that you can take action to prevent/delay complications and potential vision loss. Risk factors of developing diabetic retinopathy include smoking, high blood pressure, drinking alcohol and pregnancy.

If you have already been diagnosed with diabetes, come see Dr. Lee for a comprehensive dilated eye exam at least once per year (or more frequently if recommended) to minimize your risk of developing serious retinopathy.

November is Diabetes Awareness Month and we encourage everyone – whether you have the disease or not – to visit Dr. Lee for a comprehensive eye exam. Regular visits are essential to monitor changes in your eyes and either detect diabetes or prevent further complications in your vision as well as your overall health.

If you haven’t been diagnosed, KNOW YOUR RISK of developing Type 2 Diabetes.
If you are over the age of 40, the Canadian Diabetes Association (CDA) recommends that you get tested for type 2 diabetes every three years, and more frequently if you have any of these risk factors:

  • A parent or sibling with diabetes
  • Are a member of an ethnic group at high risk for type 2 diabetes (African, Hispanic, Asian, South Asian and Aboriginal)
  • Are overweight
  • Have high blood pressure or high cholesterol
  • Have been diagnosed with prediabetes
  • Have polycystic ovary syndrome

Visit to take the test and know your risk so that you can take action to stay healthy!

Learn more about how to prevent type 2 diabetes, and diabetes-related complications at the The Globe and Mail’s Diabetes Awareness Month Feature

1. More information from the Canadian Diabetes Association
2. National Eye Institute Facts About Diabetic Eye Disease

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