Why Get Anti-Reflective Coating On Glasses?

Dr. Lee is a big fan of Mindy Kaling, but she cringed when she saw this photo online. Can you guess why?

Her glasses don’t have anti-reflective coating, which is why you see so much glare on her lenses! Anti-reflective coating eliminates reflections from both the front and back of the lenses, which allows more light to go straight into your eyes for good vision. This gives you sharper vision with less glare, especially when driving at night and using a computer. It cuts down the glare for you looking out, and for other people looking at you.

Anti-reflective coating helps you see better AND look better! 🙂

Here’s a picture of Tina Fey doing it right- you can see her eyes despite the bright lighting, so she can see better, AND she looks better!

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