Her Headaches Were A Vision Problem

It’s been a busy month, and we added a Vision Therapy graduate to our Hall of Fame!

Before L started vision therapy, she used to suffer from headaches and blurred, double vision every day after school. When reading, she lost her place often and would feel sleepy after a short time. L’s mother noticed her left eye turning out daily at the dinner table. These problems started several years ago, so they went to see an ophthalmologist, who determined that no glasses were needed and gave them some home exercises to do, which did not help. The headaches only got worse.

Luckily, she went to see a new optometrist this year, who referred her for a Visual Skills Assessment with Dr. Lee. They learned that L was suffering from Intermittent Exotropia, which means one eye was drifting out, and therefore the eyes were not looking at the same point in space. This makes the words move around on the page, and split into two. It’s no wonder L was getting headaches every day!

After 5 months of hard work in the vision therapy program, L’s eyes are now straight. Her mother reports that the left eye rarely turns now, and L no longer gets headaches after school! She is now able to read for longer periods of time without headaches and double vision.

Congratulations L! Your hard work has paid off!

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Vision Therapy Seminar #2

Dr Lee is in San Diego again this weekend for another seminar with Dr. Robert Sanet, FCOVD. Her goal is to bring back some more knowledge and techniques to help people with eye alignment, coordination and focusing difficulties, and to help children with learning-related vision problems!

Maybe she can also bring back some of the sunshine and warm weather! 😛 

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Problems Seeing the Board At School

Here‘s more Vision Therapy in the news!

1 in 4 students has a vision problem! 80% of what a child learns comes through vision, so a problem could prevent a child from earning the grades he/she should.

Here are some red flags:

  • headaches
  • complaints of not seeing the board
  • avoiding close work
  • child doesn’t like to read
  • doesn’t want to do homework
  • it takes hours to complete homework that should take 30 minutes

Watch the video to hear how vision therapy helped Spencer

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When Your Child Takes Hours To Finish Homework

Does your child take an unusually long time to finish homework? Do you have to get into a “homework war” every night to get things done? Your child is not being lazy. Homework might be very difficult and uncomfortable if he/she is suffering from a vision problem.

If you are baffled because your child is passing 20/20 vision tests, but still complains about reading the chalkboard or worksheets, has headaches or blurred vision, or is just plain struggling in school, it’s important to rule out any visual challenges. The first step is to book a Visual Skills Assessment.

Click here to read about Nicholas, a second grade student who was very bright and had a good memory, but spent 2-3 hours on homework every night. The problem was convergence insufficiency, and he improved his reading and hand-eye coordination in sports with Vision Therapy.


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