National Sunglasses Day!

It’s #NationalSunglassesDay and it’s going to be a scorcher 💥, so remember your sunglasses this weekend and year-round! 😎
Not all sunglasses are created equal, so make sure you invest in lenses that have proper UV protection. Come in to Whitby Vision Care: Drs. Schmitz, Sujo, Andrews & Sivasegaran or Brooklin Vision Care: Dr. Schmitz and Dr. Sujo, Associates in Optometry and talk to our helpful associates if you have any questions!

Read this post for more tips on how to choose good sunglasses: Not All Sunglasses Are Created Equal

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Best Way To Read To Your Kids

When kids hear a story through audio only, they strain to understand. When they watch an animation, their visual and audio perceptual networks are firing, but there’s not enough integration between them. This requires the most energy for the kid to figure out what everything means. Comprehension was lowest in this condition.
When kids hear a story with static illustrations, there is more connectivity between all the networks, such as visual perception, imagery, language, andsomething called default mode (internal reflection of how the story matters to you). This improves their understanding of the story.
However, the best conditions are reading on mom or dad’s lap! 😊 Nothing comes close to that physical closeness and bonding. 😍

But if things get busy and you need to supplement with a device, try to find simple, illustrated ebooks with narration, rather than animations, or audio-only.

Read more details of the study here: What’s Going On In Your Child’s Brain When You Read Them A Story?

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How To Prevent Your Glasses Prescription From Worsening

Spending more time outdoors reduces your odds of developing and progressing in myopia (nearsightedness). It’s getting warm out, so round up the kids, get them off screen time, and go outside!!

Read the full article for more recommendations from The University of Waterloo!

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Becoming an FCOVD

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Last week, Dr. Lee became a newly certified Fellow of the College of Optometrists in Vision Development (FCOVD)! This means that she has demonstrated advanced competency in the areas of vision development, binocular vision, visual information processing, and vision therapy.
This is a post-graduate designation, and the process requires proof of direct clinical management of cases, at least 1100 hours of experience and education, as well as completion of case reports, essays, a written exam, and an in-person oral defense.

Congratulations to her for successfully completing the certification! 🎉 #lifelonglearning

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