Eye Turn Fixed With Vision Therapy

We just had another Vision Therapy graduate!
B is a 7 year old girl who was referred to us due to esotropia of her left eye (inward eye turn) and double vision. Her parents noticed it fairly often, particularly when she was tired, and it was worse in photos when taken close up. She had already been wearing glasses for 3 years, and correction with prism lenses did not help. We started vision therapy, but she also had to start wearing bifocal glasses to help control the eye turn. B didn’t like this, but she wanted to try to make her eye straight. After 4 months of hard work in the office and at home, we were able to start reducing the bifocal power. We continued to see gradual changes over the following 2 months, and finally B no longer needed to wear the bifocal! In fact, she was able to keep her eye straight even without any glasses at all! She was very happy that she didn’t see double anymore, and that she was free to take off her glasses most of the time (though she kept them to wear in case her eyes became tired). Her mom was delighted that she is now more confident and doesn’t have to worry about people commenting about her eyes. B was such a pleasure to have in the office, and we’re going to miss her, but we’re so excited that she was able to reach her goals! Congratulations!! 🙂
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Vision Therapy Is Not Just For Kids!

Vision therapy is not just for kids! Click here to read the blog of an adult patient. This patient found vision therapy after seeking help for difficulties while reading, working, and learning to play the cello. He/she is making huge strides after only 8 weeks of therapy!

Click below to read follow the journey and read old posts

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Non-surgical Treatment for Strabismus (Eye Turn)

There is a non-surgical way to treat strabismus! Strabismus is a misaligned eye, sometimes called “lazy eye”. Vision therapy helps teach the eyes to work together, and many patients get dramatic results without surgery.
Even if you have already had surgery, vision therapy can help improve functionality and maintain alignment. Without good control and coordination in the brain, the eyes may end up turning again.

If you or someone you know has an eye turn, schedule a comprehensive eye exam with Dr. Lee to learn more about your options!

Follow this link for a recent article on the topic: Eye therapy offers non-invasive options for misaligned eyes

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