Act now to protect your access to eye care in Ontario

The government has neglected eye care for years. OHIP now only covers half the cost of an exam. We can no longer subsidize these with other non-OHIP exams. Visit (link) to let your MPP know that you don’t want access to be limited for our most vulnerable (kids, seniors)

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Optometrists are struggling to stay open

The government claims funding has increased by 15%, but the increase was purely utilization (ie. aging population becoming eligible and relying more on OHIP). The fee per exam has not kept up with inflation since 1990. Optometrists LOSE MONEY on each OHIP exam and have to try to make it up elsewhere. Please help us by signing the petition at to get the government to work with us to find a sustainable solution.


Optometrists facing hard decisions when it comes to keeping practices open (link to London CTV News)


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Read more about the article Eye care in Ontario is at risk
Ontario faces crisis as millions of eye exams in jeopardy (CNW Group/Ontario Association of Optometrists)

Eye care in Ontario is at risk

With strict physical distancing and infection control guidelines, optometrists are returning to work with patient volumes reduced by 50 per cent, resulting in the loss of nearly two million comprehensive eye exams over the next 12 months.

Continue ReadingEye care in Ontario is at risk