Vision problems linked to reading problems

A new Canadian study finds that many elementary school children who read below grade level have challenges with their eyesight — even if *standard* tests say their vision is 20/20.

Children with accommodative issues have trouble focusing or have trouble changing their focus from one distance to another. Those with vergence issues have difficulty turning their eye in or out (eye movements often required for reading). Children with oculomotor issues have trouble with eye tracking and may lose their place when reading. Seeing 20/20 is not everything!

A complete binocular vision assessment is not always part of a standard vision test. That is why a Visual Skills Assessment should be part of the investigation for any student with reading difficulties! Call us for more information (905) 666-4848


The study from University of Waterloo: Eye Exams Linked to Kids’ Reading Level

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Ski Jumping Requires Good Vision

Ever wonder why there are little plants at the bottom of the ski jump hill? They’re there to give the jumpers a depth perception boost and help them maintain awareness of where they are in relation to the ground.

Such advanced visual skills are required to perform at this level of athletic ability! 😍 Imagine how quickly they have to make those calculations about their position in space in relation to the hill!

Learn more about vision and sports at


Read more here: Here’s why there are tiny green plants at the bottom of the ski jump hill

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Free Family Skate!

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Looking for something to do this weekend? Whitby Vision Care and Brooklin Vision Care are hosting a FREE FAMILY SKATE this Sunday at Legends Centre Oshawa!! Come on Feb 4th between 1-2:30pm 😀

Thanks for all your support!! We love seeing you and are so happy to serve this community

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How Vision Affects Learning

Does this sound like someone you know?
“When my son was in second grade, it became clear that he was struggling to read. Despite the fact that he was curious, loved to learn and seemed truly interested in reading, he appeared to be in need of special education. So he ended up in a special reading room. Unfortunately, after several months, his reading skills did not improve.” …
“Perhaps he had a learning-related vision problem? He did! After four months of vision therapy, my son was able to drop the special reading help, join his peers in the main classroom and move forward with his studies.”

We see this all too often. Kids just get a label at school, but nothing to actually treat the conditions that are causing the problem.

Read more in this article from a special education resource teacher in Minnesota, on how most school screenings only check distance sight (with the letter chart). Even if a kid has 20/20 distance acuity, doesn’t mean he/she has all the vision skills which are needed to read.

Link to Article: When Vision Affects Learning

Find out whether it’s just a vision problem getting in the way, because those can be treated! Call (905) 666-4848 for more information about booking a Visual Skills Assessment

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Why Is My Eye Twitching?

Eye twitching is very common, and I’ve been hearing from a lot of you… It drives you crazy! But don’t worry, you’re not going blind 🙂

Most eye twitches come and go, but sometimes a twitching eye can last for weeks or even months. Here are some of the common causes and how to stop it

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