Concussion Recovery

Vision problems after a concussion or traumatic brain injury can be devastating for a patient trying to return to school/work. Research has shown that approximately 70% of young athletes who suffer a concussion have eye coordination, focusing, and eye movement problems.

“The traditional vision approach still relies on the spontaneous recovery of double vision, patching, and using therapies to learn functional approaches around vision deficits, as opposed to treating the vision deficits. However, many optometrists across our nation are providing optometric vision therapy in addition to therapeutic lenses and prisms to help resolve visual deficits.”

Read More: Parents Speak Out About the Visual Link In Concussion Recovery

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Non-surgical Treatment for Strabismus (Eye Turn)

There is a non-surgical way to treat strabismus! Strabismus is a misaligned eye, sometimes called “lazy eye”. Vision therapy helps teach the eyes to work together, and many patients get dramatic results without surgery.
Even if you have already had surgery, vision therapy can help improve functionality and maintain alignment. Without good control and coordination in the brain, the eyes may end up turning again.

If you or someone you know has an eye turn, schedule a comprehensive eye exam with Dr. Lee to learn more about your options!

Follow this link for a recent article on the topic: Eye therapy offers non-invasive options for misaligned eyes

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Vision and Learning

The kids are back in school! If your child is struggling in school, but you cannot put a finger one why, schedule an appointment today for a comprehensive eye exam!
1 in 4 children have a Learning Related Vision Problem that is often times undetected.

If you’re an educator and would like to learn more about how to help your students, Dr. Lee is available for presentations on the link between vision and learning for parent/teacher groups. Send an email to info[at]drclaudialee[dot]com or call the office at (905) 666-4848 to get your group on the calendar, as spaces on PD days for this academic year 2015-16 will fill up fast!

Here’s a really great video on vision and learning, with perspectives from optometrists, teachers, patients, and parents.

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Treatment for Visual Symptoms after Acquired Brain Injury

If you missed her last week, that’s because Dr. Lee was out of the office for more continuing education on new treatment options for visual symptoms in patients with acquired brain injuries. She is always excited to hear about new research and bring back different ways to help our patients!

Ask for more information if you’re experiencing blurry vision, light sensitivity, difficulty concentrating, headaches, problems with reading, double vision, or other visual problems as a result of a motor vehicle accident or other head trauma.

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Information about Amblyopia

Here’s a great explanation of amblyopia (aka “lazy eye”), and how we treat it with binocular vision therapy, which can achieve better results than just patching alone! Even adults with amblyopia can develop the ability to better integrate messages from both eyes together.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with amblyopia, don’t miss this video!

by Dr. Dan Fortenbacher, Founder of Wow Vision Therapy in Michigan

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