Vision Therapy for Sports

Take it from SF Giants first baseman, Brandon Belt – “Vision therapy is pretty important, whether you’ve had a concussion or not!”
Even with “perfect vision,” VT can help you either recover from a concussion, or just become a better athlete and player. ⚾️

Call (905) 666-4848 to learn more and book a Visual Skills Assessment!


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Vision Therapy Success

This week, I saw M for a follow up and she gave me this! Love getting these little drawings from patients 😊
M first started coming to us in grade 1 because she was having difficulty with reading and she really disliked it. She kept losing her place, skipping words, and reversing letters. She couldn’t seem to remember any words longer than 3 letters.
After vision therapy, she no longer loses her place or skip words, and has gotten much better at reading! She has even started to enjoy it, and her mom said she picked out some English books to read, even though she only practices in French at school! She was also able to learn to spell tricky words like “friend.”
We’re so proud of how far she has come!!

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Convergence Insufficiency Can Cause Problems At School

On January 30, 2018, 3 members of the CW Tech Robotarians from Southern Michigan made a presentation to the Michigan Senate Health Subcommittee in support of Senate Bill 411. The purpose of the bill is to screen kids earlier and more frequently for vision problems which can affect reading and learning. There is an emphasis on not only eye health, but also visual functioning, and it specifically mentions accommodation (focusing skills), eye movement skills, and convergence! Kevin Skorupa, Steven Chapman and Jared Martin speak on behalf of Kevin’s brother, who suffered from convergence insufficiency up until he was in grade 12. He suffered from headaches and double vision, and this had significant emotional impact on him as he struggled in school. He was held back a grade when his parents and teachers could not identify the source of the problem, and he was often punished for not finishing his schoolwork, which resulted in him missing out on extracurricular activities and sports. Fortunately, his parents heard about Convergence Insufficiency and took him to a Developmental Optometrist, where he was treated with vision therapy. His headaches and double vision were eliminated, and he was able to make the honour roll at school!
In the video below, these bright, young men do a very good job of describing this condition and the impact it can have on a person’s life and family. Thank you for your hard work in bringing awareness to this type of vision problem!

Video: The VisionHelp Blog

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Eye Turn Fixed With Vision Therapy

We just had another Vision Therapy graduate!
B is a 7 year old girl who was referred to us due to esotropia of her left eye (inward eye turn) and double vision. Her parents noticed it fairly often, particularly when she was tired, and it was worse in photos when taken close up. She had already been wearing glasses for 3 years, and correction with prism lenses did not help. We started vision therapy, but she also had to start wearing bifocal glasses to help control the eye turn. B didn’t like this, but she wanted to try to make her eye straight. After 4 months of hard work in the office and at home, we were able to start reducing the bifocal power. We continued to see gradual changes over the following 2 months, and finally B no longer needed to wear the bifocal! In fact, she was able to keep her eye straight even without any glasses at all! She was very happy that she didn’t see double anymore, and that she was free to take off her glasses most of the time (though she kept them to wear in case her eyes became tired). Her mom was delighted that she is now more confident and doesn’t have to worry about people commenting about her eyes. B was such a pleasure to have in the office, and we’re going to miss her, but we’re so excited that she was able to reach her goals! Congratulations!! 🙂
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Adult Vision Therapy Success Story!

The school year is wrapping up, and summer is the perfect time to make sure everyone’s vision is good to go! Vision therapy is not just for kids…

L is a teacher who came to our office due to blurry vision when reading and using the computer. She had trouble reading the newspaper, and felt that if she did any reading in the morning, it would make her eyes blurry and she couldn’t work for the rest of the day. Even with a change in her regular progressive glasses, along with a second pair of specialized reading glasses, she was able to read a little bit better, but it didn’t last long. This was very upsetting for her because she liked to do crafts, but she wasn’t able to make jewelry anymore due to the problems seeing up close. This was not a regular age-related difficulty seeing up close – L was also diagnosed with Intermittent Exotropia, which meant her eyes were not pointing together up close, causing double vision and blur. Over the summer, she came in for 9 sessions of Vision Therapy, and this made a HUGE difference! After Vision Therapy, she was able to read comfortably with just her regular glasses, and she didn’t need the special reading glasses anymore. She was able to read the newspaper and play on her Ipad as long as she liked, and she was finally able to get back into making crafts! She told us that she had felt problems seeing up close since her 20s, and it simply got worse over the last little while. This was life-changing for her!

L, we are so glad you were finally able to overcome your vision problems. Great work!!

#VisionHealthMonth #visiontherapy #successstories

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