Vision Problems In Kids

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Do you know what vision problem symptoms to look out for? Visit our Eye Exams For Kids page to find out! Most kids don’t know what good vision looks like, so they can’t always tell you that they can’t see clearly.


Children don’t know when they have a vision problem. Here are some signs that they are having trouble, if they can’t tell you what is wrong:

  • Eyes don’t follow toys
  • Closes one eye when reading
  • Tilts head when looking at something
  • Needs to hold book very close while reading
  • Overly sensitive to light
  • Squinting
  • Recurrent headaches
  • Complaints of achy, tired eyes
  • Persistent Rubbing
  • Eyes don’t seem to work in unison

Catching a problem early on will reduce the negative impact on your child’s future.

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What Causes Poor Reading Skills

August is #VisionandLearningMonth! 1 in 4 school-aged children have a vision problem, and this includes problems that can happen even if they can “see 20/20!” A comprehensive eye exam should be a priority to make sure your students are prepared to do well in school!
Here’s a great video by WOW Vision Therapy that shows how kids can suffer from a vision condition affecting their ability to read and learn, even if they have 20/20 eyesight and “no need for glasses.”

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Best Way To Read To Your Kids

When kids hear a story through audio only, they strain to understand. When they watch an animation, their visual and audio perceptual networks are firing, but there’s not enough integration between them. This requires the most energy for the kid to figure out what everything means. Comprehension was lowest in this condition.
When kids hear a story with static illustrations, there is more connectivity between all the networks, such as visual perception, imagery, language, andsomething called default mode (internal reflection of how the story matters to you). This improves their understanding of the story.
However, the best conditions are reading on mom or dad’s lap! 😊 Nothing comes close to that physical closeness and bonding. 😍

But if things get busy and you need to supplement with a device, try to find simple, illustrated ebooks with narration, rather than animations, or audio-only.

Read more details of the study here: What’s Going On In Your Child’s Brain When You Read Them A Story?

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Rethinking the Label “Learning Disability”

In reponse to this post: Rethinking School

Susan Wise Bauer writes, “Change your thinking: Regard the label ‘learning disability’ as signifying ‘This child needs a different approach,’ rather than ‘Something is wrong with your child.'”    LOVE this mentality!! 

This is how Dr. Lee and the VT team sees it – a “learning disability” is not a life sentence!! It just means that the method that you’re using is not working for the kid right now. We just have to get the patient’s eyes working properly, and then with all the right tools, every kid has the potential to succeed.

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Convergence Insufficiency Can Cause Problems At School

On January 30, 2018, 3 members of the CW Tech Robotarians from Southern Michigan made a presentation to the Michigan Senate Health Subcommittee in support of Senate Bill 411. The purpose of the bill is to screen kids earlier and more frequently for vision problems which can affect reading and learning. There is an emphasis on not only eye health, but also visual functioning, and it specifically mentions accommodation (focusing skills), eye movement skills, and convergence! Kevin Skorupa, Steven Chapman and Jared Martin speak on behalf of Kevin’s brother, who suffered from convergence insufficiency up until he was in grade 12. He suffered from headaches and double vision, and this had significant emotional impact on him as he struggled in school. He was held back a grade when his parents and teachers could not identify the source of the problem, and he was often punished for not finishing his schoolwork, which resulted in him missing out on extracurricular activities and sports. Fortunately, his parents heard about Convergence Insufficiency and took him to a Developmental Optometrist, where he was treated with vision therapy. His headaches and double vision were eliminated, and he was able to make the honour roll at school!
In the video below, these bright, young men do a very good job of describing this condition and the impact it can have on a person’s life and family. Thank you for your hard work in bringing awareness to this type of vision problem!

Video: The VisionHelp Blog

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